Storage Bench - Perfect For Your Child's Bedroom
If you are like most parents you would love if your kids would put all their stuff away. Going into their room seems like you have stepped into a minefield and could be attacked by any of the toys that have been strewn about. So, how do you get them to clean up the space? A lot of time the only way to do it is yelling and taking away privileges until the job is complete. But just once, you would like them to do them job on their own.
Maybe if you gave them a place they were more happy about putting things, they would put them away. This doesn't work on all kids, but some kids have a pride in something they made themselves even if it's a storage bench, and will put their things away, so they can use the item they made.
Pull out the storage bench and decide what kind of décor it needs. For a little boy or girl, you may want to decorate it with a theme they really like, such as pirates and princesses.
If you don't have any artistic skill, that's ok. You can still create a Storage box that looks like you do. Once you know what theme you are going to work on, you need resources. The easiest way to do the job is using stencils that already fit the theme. Your local craft store will likely have a wide variety of these for you to choose from.
If your child really wants a particular character that you can't find in a stencil, you can still make it happen. Find a coloring book picture of that character and rip it out of the coloring book. You also need a piece of carbon transfer paper. Put the carbon paper face down where you want the character to be on the storage bench. Now put the coloring book image on top of it. Using a pencil trace over all the lines of the character. Take your time on this part. You want to make sure you do this well as the better the job you do, the more the character will look like it is supposed to. When you remove the paper you should be able to see an outline of the character you wanted.
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